Russian language Essentials: Consonant assimilation
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Russian Language Essentials
Part 3
Consonant assimilation / Ассимиляция согласных: оглушение и озвончение
Russian pronunciation includes the consonant assimilation rule. It applies to those consonantes that are members of the voiced-voiceless pairs learned in Lesson 27.
In accordance with this rule, such a consonant in certain positions transforms into its counterpart, so that a voiceless consonant becomes a voiced one and vice versa.
A voiced consonant is pronounced like its voiceless counterpart
  1. at the end of a word
  2. before a voiceless consonant
зуб [зуп] tooth
лев [леф] lion
друг [друк] friend
сад [сат] garden
нож [нош] knife
глаз [глас] eye
ло́жка [ло́шка] spoon
за́втра [за́фтра] tomorrow
ска́зка [ска́ска] fairy tale

The consonants й, л, м, н, р always remain voiced regardless of their position in the word because they do not have voiceless counterparts.

A voiceless consonant is pronounced like its voiced counterpart before a voiced consonant.
сде́лать [зде́лать] to do
вокза́л [вагза́л] railroad station
футбо́л [фудбо́л] football
The consonants х, ч, щ, ц always remain voiceless regardless of their position in a word because they do not have voiced counterparts.
Before the consonants л, м, н, р (that are always voiced) and before the consonant в the voiceless consonants are not voiced: сло́во [сло́ва] word, кры́ша [кры́ша] roof, смех [смех] laugh, свет [свет] light, фра́за [фра́за] phrase.
Since a preposition and the following word form a single phonetic word, the processes of voicing and devoicing take place in such word combinations as well: из па́рка [ис па́рка] from the park, в саду́ [ф саду́] in the garden, под сто́л [пат сто́л] under the table; с гор [з гор] from the mountains, от ба́нка [ад ба́нка] from the bank.
To check the pronunciation of these words click on them.