Russian language Essentials: Memorizing the Russian letters
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Russian Language Essentials
Part 1
Memorizing the Russian letters / Запоминаем русские буквы
Some Russian (or, rather, Cyrillic) characters look similar to English (or, rather, Latin) letters, but they do not always sound the same way. Other Russian letters do not remind any Latin character, but they sound similar to some Latin letters.
First examples for each letter below are shown without translations since they are internationalisms (they occur in several languages retaining the same or similar meaning). Try to guess their meaning.
Stress is shown in all words that have more than one syllable.
Same image and almost the same sound

А a, Е e, К к, М м, О о, Т т

Такт, те́ма, ата́ка, коме́та
ма́ма mom, кто who, кот cat